Thursday, March 14, 2013

What would we do without the Mailman?

I'm going to take it a step back right now.  We can't really be appreciative of fictional characters from comic books, they haven't done anything for us.  We have to realize that there are people out there, slaving themselves to us to make our lives so much easier.

Ask yourself this: Have you ever talked to your mailman/woman?  The person who drives to you, your friends, and families houses almost every single day?  They save you the time to bring you your mail, to within 20 yards of your house.  I know how important it is for me to have a mailwoman (mailwoman is apparently not in this computer's dictionary, but mailman is, coincidence?).  Although I don't get mail personally, but whenever mail has to be delivered through something like UPS, I always have to accompany my mom.  Indirectly, it saves me the time that I probably would have to go to indirectly pick it up.

Think about the other men and women that give up time in their day to make our level comfort better.  The garbage man that came to pick up my garbage today.  Although my family has had some confrontations with him, we still thank him for doing it. 

I'm not doing this as a call to repentance for not saying thank you to someone who you probably never see.  We have to realize how spoiled our country is in terms of standard of living.  Sure we're no Canada, but people that clean, or are supposed to clean, the disgusting public bathrooms, don't they deserve praise?  The lunch ladies of our school, bus drivers, taxi drivers, the Satellite repairmen.  As much as they seem like ordinary people, what they do is what makes them extraordinary.  So when you're looking at the soldiers returning from overseas, or your parents, and thinking about how awesome they are, which they are, take a moment to look past them to the guy/girl putting the pieces of paper into your mailbox.


  1. i agree with you. Living the way we do its so easy to take for granted what we have but we should all remember the people who make our life so easy.

  2. Random fact: The UPS guy comes to our house often. We are on a first name basis. His name is Jason btw.
    He's almost like a family friend.
    Is that weird? Completely.
    But he probably handles my packages with more care then yours... just saying.
