Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Youtube Traps: Not all bad

Recently I was fumbling around Youtube, and with Youtube comes the inevitable trap of going through the most random videos that were totally unrelated to the last hundred videos you had just watch.  It can lead you to creepy, scary, confusing places.  This time, I was brought to a video of the Sailor Moon opening theme song.  I listened to the song for hours, putting it in a playlist so that it would just repeat over and over, endlessly.  It was the hypest!

It was strange because I had not listened to that specific song in years, but I could still recite all of the lyrics.  It brought about the good feelings you get when you remember a happy moment when you were a child.  I had not experienced very many of these before, but when I do I just feel happy for weeks.  You wouldn't expect that from a tv show that aired ten years ago that was centered around a bunch of girls...  Okay I did.

Now to what matters most: What makes Sailor Moon so special?  Well, if you haven't done the proper research you would think, "She's a high school girl, in a anime show, nothing special."  WRONG!

This seemingly weak girl actually has the power to blow up planets.  That's right, planets.  If given the right situation, she could potentially blow up galaxies.  Didn't expect that did you?  Don't worry, it doesn't stop there.

She's so fast she can fly from the Earth's atmosphere to the moon in moments.  Fly to different planets in minutes.  She can also keep up with someone who flew around the universe, blowing up planets for fun.  That give you an idea of how scary she is?

Guess what?  She can bring people back to life.  Seriously, she's brought back the entire population of Earth.  This is getting ridiculous right?  How could there be anything more to this girl?

Well there is.  At some point in her life, she stopped getting older in appearance.  If you saw her a thousand years later, she would still look like this:

Not fair right?  That's what happens when you're the star of anything Japanese.  You look the same in episode 10,000 as you did in episode 1.

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