Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Afraid or Just Paranoid?

This is a very hard topic for me to discuss because I really am not afraid anything.  I'm not scared of dying, public speaking is awesome, and clowns are just stupid.  Rejection is no problem for me, talking to new people is always fun, embarrassment is never a problem.  Sure if you jump out at me in a dark alleyway I'll get scared, that's a given, but anything else really doesn't bother me.

My only problem is when it comes to paranoia.  Being irrationally afraid of something that could only happen in a horror movie.  Like Slender Man.  I was only told about him, about a year ago, and I have been haunted by the fact that he could be anywhere, at anytime, just watching me.  I know that he won't do anything to me, except make me paranoid, it's just the fact that he's there.  Then there's the fear that a deranged cannibal will come into my house and eat me.  All of this has come from years of reading and hearing scary stories, watching scary movies, playing horror games, and just trying to make myself scared.

So is paranoia really something I can count as a fear or just a mental state of mind?  I don't know.  If it is then I guess I have a lot of fears.  If not, then that's the end of the discussion.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Heroes: Courage Personified

I'm going to tell you a story about the Hulk and you be the judge of what he did was just him caring or being courageous.
  As I mentioned in my first post, the Hulk did conquer his own planet.  After being cast off into space by the much beloved Iron Man, Capt. America, and Thor, the ship carrying him went through a wormhole of fate, or so I like to call it, to the planet Sakaar.  This planet has a legend that says a green hero will basically come from space and save them.  Before that though, Hulk gets captured, put into slavery, and has to earn his freedom gladiator style.
  Now you should know that this planet is being ruled by the Red King, who is thought to be someone who saved them from parasitic bugs that turned you into a raging, spiky zombie.  Turns out, he's a fake and was the one to cause that.  The Hulk makes it out alive with most of his gladiator posse the 'Warbound.'  So the group, minus Hulk go to a place where they thought they would be safe.  They aren't safe of course and the Red King, who is being a baby about a fight with the Hulk where he got nicked on the face, releases those zombie bugs over the city the Warbound are hiding.  Meanwhile the Hulk is fighting the King's right hand lady Calera.  Remember that name.
  Seeing the town is being ravaged by the zombies, Calera, who lost her family to these, rushes over and starts killing these zombies.  Saving a child in the process she tries to get to the evacuees.  The Hulk arrived shortly before and was doing some smashing and protecting the evacuees, becoming infected.  A large bomb, sent on the orders by the Red King to eliminate the bugs strikes during this time.  Calera covers the child she has in order to try and protect her.
  In the aftermath of the bomb, the Hulk seems to have been cured.  This is due to the fact that his blood can give life on this planet of death.  Calera walks towards the Hulk, she being a sort of super powered monk with imperviousness to a lot of things, holding the body of the child on her arms that had been turned completely to ashes.  It blows away in the wind.
  They plan to kill the Red King, Hulk, Calera, and the Warbound.  They literally take the capital by storm... fine not literally.  The Hulk kills the king, and now rules his own planet.  And, like every hero, he gets the girl, in this case it's Calera.  That's right, he gets married to the only thing that is like him.  Calera has a whole sad history behind her, which is not relevant to this story.
  So the Hulk, really showing off his omnipotent strength than courage, saved an entire planet.  This may not seem like courage to some, but to me this is an excellent example.  Overall, my moral of the story is: the hero gets the girl/guy.

Friday, February 1, 2013


There are so many things wrong with the perception of the superheroes nowadays.

People don't read the comics, the place where they are made up and told about.

No, they go to Hollywood and have them dream up things about them.

Some are true, most are not.

With their way of things you don't learn the deep and intellectual facts.

We're stuck with the surface, and the actors portraying the surface.

Did you know the Hulk conquered a planet?

That the Flash can walk through walls?

If you want any facts about superheroes, this is the place to be.